The "rythym" method, also known as the "fertility awareness method (FAM)" is a non-hormonal way of preventing pregnancy. In this method, a woman monitors her menstrual cycle and only has sex during the times of the month during which she is least likely to get pregnancy. Fertility awareness methods are 75% effective with typical use at preventing pregnancies, but does not protect against sexually transmitted infections.
Withdrawal is the practice of pulling the penis out before a male ejaculates. The withdrawal method is approximately 96% effective when used perfectly, and 73% effective with typical use. The withdrawal method does not protect against sexually transmitted infections.
Abstinence, when practiced all of the time, is the only 100% effective method of preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. Abstinence, or continuous abstinence, is not engaging is sex play with a partner. Abstinence has no side effects, and can be practiced by anyone. However, many people find continuous abstinence difficult to practice.
Abstinence, when practiced all of the time, is the only 100% effective method of preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. Abstinence, or continuous abstinence, is not engaging is sex play with a partner. Abstinence has no side effects, and can be practiced by anyone. However, many people find continuous abstinence difficult to practice.
Vasectomy blocks the tubes that carry sperm. A male who has had a vasectomy still ejaculates, but the ejaculate does not contain sperm. As a method of preventing pregnancy, vasectomies are about 98% effective. Vasectomies do not protect against sexually transmitted infections.
Tubal Sterilization
Tubal sterilization, or "having tubes tied," blocks the fallopian tubes, where eggs and sperm combine. Tubal sterilization is more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy, but does not protect against sexually transmitted infections. Tubal sterilization is a surgical procedure and is meant to be permanent. Tubal sterilization can cost anywhere from 2,000 to 6,000 dollars.